
What happened and when.

 site news

[iridescent jellyfish]

the latest word

September 6, 2003

Posted the first two recipes (of, hopefully, dozens) on my personal recipes page. Both are for "fruit salads," though one of them is really more of a dessert than a salad.

older news

July 18, 2003

Posted an "alpha" release of my web portfolio. I salvaged much of the content for the personal sites part from the narrative included at msenet****. There are no images as of yet, and only the background and personal sites pages have content... so far.

June 29, 2003

Created the /site/ directory to house a soon-to-be-divided collection of site information. I also added an explanatory page about the ellars.com site themes.

May 17, 2003

The "themes" stylesheet switcher is now functional. However, it requires Javascript and cookies to do its thing, so if either of those are disabled on your browser, you won't be able to see the effect. (For mozilla-based browsers, including Netscape, you can still view the themes, but the change will not be persistent from page to page!) There are presently only two themes -- "lightness" (the default theme) and "darkness" -- but I plan on adding two or three additional themes.

May 16, 2003

You may have noticed the nifty little "tag line" on the home page (look in the upper right). It cycles through a dozen or so witty sayings that include links to various places within and without ellars.com. Yes, this feature is here to stay. No, I haven't decided if it will appear anywhere other than the home page. I guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out...

May 9, 2003

I have set ellars.com to use the Bitstream Vera Sans font. For more information, including where you can get the Bitstream Vera font family gratis, see the colophon write-up below.

May 7, 2003

I am experimenting with a fly-out menu. I would rather avoid resorting to JavaScript -- creating "pure CSS" menus seems to be such a better option. Unfortunately, Microsoft Internet Explorer does not provide the CSS support that such a task would require... For now, though, the menus are in place.

May 4, 2003

After months of design and development, the new ellars.com (Mk.2) is released to the general public.

themes?: [lightness] [darkness] [blueness]

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